I help professional coaches and creative entrepreneurs unleash their full potential, make a meaningful impact, and lead with curiosity, creativity, and confidence.
My Journey
Over 30 years ago, I received a copy of Zig Ziglar’s book, See You at the Top, and that began my own journey of personal growth. It’s been a long road full of learning opportunities including a career in occupational therapy, a marriage of 30+ years (yes, to the same man), successfully home schooling 2 amazing adult children, and community leadership with youth and adults.
Professional Coach, Mentor and Trainer
Now, as a professional coach, mentor, and trainer, I help coaches and other creative leaders sharpen their skills, increase their confidence, and make a positive difference in the lives of others. I am a coach educator in Marion Franklin, MCC’s Laser-Focused Coaching Program. I’m credentialed by the International Coaching Federation, and am a certified member of the John Maxwell Team. I’m also a Toastmaster and a huge word nerd who enjoys encouraging creative leaders who want to inspire or entertain others by sharing their message through writing and speaking.
On a Personal Note…
Something unique about me is that I am totally out of sight—AKA blind. This means I’ve had to learn how to find creative solutions to challenges throughout my life, but this has been good training for me as a coach. I now help others see new perspectives and find creative solutions of their own. My eyesight might be impaired, but my vision and insight are quite keen.
Your Call to Adventure!
If you’re a coach or creative entrepreneur on a journey of discovery and growth and you’d like a guide at your side, let’s talk. Book a free 30 minute discovery session so we can get introduced and find out how we can collaborate to make your path ahead more clear.