by Coach Nikki B. | Articles for Coaches
In today’s tech-infused world, smart speakers like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant have become popular office tools. Many of us as professional coaches are integrating these devices into our workspaces to boost our productivity and efficiency. However, as with...
by Coach Nikki B. | Articles for Coaches
You might be asking yourself, “What’s the connection between coaching, chocolate, and peanut butter?” What a great coaching question. 😄 Sometimes, things are good on their own, but they are even better when served together. For several years off and...
by Coach Nikki B. | Articles for Coaches
Many people seem to think they can just hang out their shingle and be a professional coach. That might technically be true depending on where you live. However, working with someone as their personal coach is a privilege and responsibility that should be taken...
by Coach Nikki B. | Articles for Coaches
I’ve been a coach since 2010, and over the past few years, I’ve had increasing opportunities to teach and mentor other coaches. Today, I can say I truly love whatI do as a coach, mentor, and instructor, but it definitely wasn’t always like this. For...
by Coach Nikki B. | Articles for Creatives
Jodi L. Milner has been a member of our Wednesday Writers’ Whatchamacallit group for about a year and a half. During this time, it has been so much fun getting to know her and celebrating with her as she has published her first book, developed several amazing...